April 25, 2024
We had a blast with our friends at Northside Elementary this week creating imaginary works of architecture and building a cardboard city.

4th and 5th grade classes discussed architecture's impact on the built environment and viewed works of architecture from around the world. We reviewed an architect's design process and then asked the students to build their own creations out of Lego bricks. Students were encouraged to think outside of the box and tap into their imagination and creativity. They were given prompts to describe the site of their creations, the function of their structure (or object), its special features, and the type of architecture.
Back in the Prism studio, we combined images of the Lego creations with the students' prompt in an AI rendering tool that brought the creations to life. We then posted the renderings in the halls of the school for students, staff, friends and families to view during Northside's STEAM night event.
During STEAM night we set up a 20' x 15' base map and supplied students with cardboard, paint, and other materials provided by the Scrap Exchange. Students and their families dove right in, building structures, bridges, and parks to create their Northside dream city.